About Our Research
Our goal is to create new knowledge in health care sustainability and increase sustainability research funding while fostering collaborations across the University of Pittsburgh.
Ongoing Projects:
- Global LCA of Cesarean Section
- LCA of Disposable Stethoscopes
- Infection rates with reduced draping for cystoscopy

- Green Cystoscopy: Does Minimizing the Use of Drapes Increase Infection rates?
- Waste not want not: the story of surgical trash
- Climate Change as a Social Determinant of Health
- Do single-use medical devices containing biopolymers reduce the environmental impacts of surgical procedures compared with their plastic equivalents?
- Environmental impacts of surgical procedures: life cycle assessment of hysterectomy in the United States
- Environmental Sustainability in Orthopaedic Surgery
- Going green in gynecology: a call to action
- Life cycle assessment perspectives on delivering an infant in the US
- Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Laparoscopic Surgery
- Transforming The Medical Device Industry: Road Map to a Circular Economy
- The Use of Disposable Supplies: Measuring Sub urethral Sling Surgical Waste by Cost and Weight
- Attitude of US obstetricians and gynecologists to global warming and medical waste
- Sustainable Healthcare and Environmental Life-Cycle Impacts of Disposable Supplies: A Focus on Disposable Custom Packs
- Tackling the Massive Threat of Climate Change: How clinicians can – and should – take an active role in matters of environmental justice